Friday, May 10, 2013

Mrs. Rodriguez says... the FINAL FOUR!

Remember-- for your final four defense, you should be writing paragraphs, not just sentences.  One whole paragraph about the losers (why are they cool, but not quite cool enough) and one entire paragraph devoted to the person you think should win Most Influential Figure in American History.

2nd Period Final 4:
Henry Kissinger
Thomas Paine
Thomas Jefferson

6th Period Final 4:
Henry Clay
John Marshall
Abraham Lincoln

p.s.... please be studying for your APUSH exam...!  Only 3 study days left!!!!
Any of those charts, your 5 Steps Book, or the essay practice are EXCELLENT resources.  Or, try practice quizzes online.  The point isn't in taking quizzes, but in testing yourself to see what you do (and do not) remember.  I don't recommend reading over notes EXCEPT in areas where you find you've forgotten information and need a refresher.

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