Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mrs. Rodriguez says... seriously, guys?!

Let's allow the guilty parties to remain anonymous here, but I'd like to share some quotes from a few of the letters to next year's students...

"You are not prepared...Rocking back and forth singing Hakuna Matata can't save your weak will."
Melodramatic much??

"You have to understand why things happened in that time and how and when and where and who and what.  Or you'll die."

"Remember one last thing, Mrs. Rodriguez is still a human being...No matter how much she seems like a totalitarian dictator, she is always willing to help her students succeed because she truly does care."
Gee... thanks? (Actually, I really AM honored that so many of you commented about me as willing to help.  I AM.  And I am glad that you knew that.)

"Don't let the fast-talking, fairy-like Rodriguez scare you, she will only harm your pride and your GPA, not your body."

"You have enrolled in a one-way  ticket to developing congestive heart failure and stomach ulcers.  In other words, welcome to hell.  If you were patriotic towards America before, start putting up the flag now, because you will leave this class cussing how condensed the history of this country is and wondering why the heck the colonies couldn't have just sucked it up and abandoned all notion of liberty."

"Stop expecting Bs and As and prepare yourself for the bitter, spiky pill of Ds and Cs."

"Prepare for the boiling bubbling resentment that you will feel towards any of your comrades in HUSH who dare utter an expression of frustration or belief that HUSH is hard."

"...But I will say is that you can look forward to free snacking in class.  Munch away as you are pelted with the unending New Deal legislation."

Okay... so when I started looking for memes, I found WAY more that made me laugh.

For example:

But hopefully, after the year is over, you feel like this:

Friday, May 24, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Mrs. Rodriguez says... addendum to the Presentation Rubric

(A) More than 5 credible, appropriately cited sources in MLA form
(B) At least 5 credible, appropriately cited sources in MLA form (only minor mistakes, if any)
(F) Less than 5 credible sources, or with major errors in formatting

Mrs. Rodriguez says... Be ready for your AP scores in July!!!

"Be ready to get your AP scores in July!"
1. Sign up for an account at (it's free) - once you sign up you will receive emails about how and when to access your scores. If you have ever registered for SAT or participated in other College Board programs then you have an account. Try signing in with that information to find out.
2. Remember this information - your AP number or your 1000 number that was entered on your answer document. The AP number is on the tear out sheet you took from the AP Pre-Admin session in the Lecture Hall
3. Wait for an email and receive your scores online
Check periodically to make sure you receive all important information!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Mrs. Rodriguez says... Final Topics

If your topic is bolded--please contact me as soon as possible!  We need to discuss narrowing your coverage.

Andrew C: Meaning of Song???
Leah C: Sociopaths
Kathleen D: Mad Men
Cayley E: Binaural Beats
Nathan G: James Webb Space Telescope
Helena H: Korean Culture Becoming Mainstream
Tayler J: Winnie the Pooh
Caroline J: Anne Boleyn
Tara L: Spiritualization
Patrick L: Physical Communication
Nahrin M: Matt Damon
Emily M: Unicorns
Marianne M: Beyonce
Brittany N: Science in the Avengers
Alex P: The Standard Model
Travis R: Agronomy
Shilpa S: Thermidorian Reaction
Rachel S: Don't Worry about the Apocalypse OR Conquest of Antarctica
Jiwhan S: Bonsai
Shankar S: Cricket
Josh T: Diesel Engines
Nasan T: Anesthesia
Eric W: Deep Space Travel
Cynthia Z: Common Diseases of the Developing World 
Patricia Z: Cheese 
Taylor Z: Arrested Development

Ankur A: Crystal Meth
Anna C: Ancient Egyptian Afterlife
Lujain E: Atlantis of the Sands
Thomas H: Anthropomorphization in Society
Zach H: Technology in Music Production
Sanathan I: Lucid Dreaming
Priyansi K: Dracula
Cameron K: Ancient Military Tactics
Nick L: The Clash in Music
Michelle L: Nudity in Manet's Works
Cole M: Manned Missions to Mars
Abi M: Hairstyles of the 1900s
Zoe P: Oreos
Travis S: High Speed Trains
Brooke V: Feminism and Multiculturalism
Alona W: Lunchmeat
Vicky Y: Bipolar Disorder

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Mrs. Rodriguez says... HENRY CLAY WINS!!!!

oh yeah... and Thomas Jefferson won in 2nd period (you're welcome Bethany!)

Have fun NOT STUDYING tonight!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mrs. Rodriguez says... the FINAL FOUR!

Remember-- for your final four defense, you should be writing paragraphs, not just sentences.  One whole paragraph about the losers (why are they cool, but not quite cool enough) and one entire paragraph devoted to the person you think should win Most Influential Figure in American History.

2nd Period Final 4:
Henry Kissinger
Thomas Paine
Thomas Jefferson

6th Period Final 4:
Henry Clay
John Marshall
Abraham Lincoln

p.s.... please be studying for your APUSH exam...!  Only 3 study days left!!!!
Any of those charts, your 5 Steps Book, or the essay practice are EXCELLENT resources.  Or, try practice quizzes online.  The point isn't in taking quizzes, but in testing yourself to see what you do (and do not) remember.  I don't recommend reading over notes EXCEPT in areas where you find you've forgotten information and need a refresher.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Mrs. Rodriguez says... TOC Day 3

p.s. (which technically isn't a POST, but rather a PRE script) I failed at getting Day 2 posted.  Am currently very late on Day 3 for 2nd period.  Forgive me!!!

2nd Period Winners:
Andrew Carnegie
Ralph Nader
Henry Kissinger
Eleanor Roosevelt
Thomas Paine
Thomas Jefferson
Teddy Roosevelt

6th Period Winners:
Thomas Edison
Earl Warren
Henry Clay
Eleanor Roosevelt
John Marshall
Abraham Lincoln
Andrew Jackson

Day 4 is due TOMORROW (Friday)  for everyone... except that I won't be in school.  So you will have to organize yourselves to vote.  Lucky you, we won't bother with reading out the remaining facts (they're getting  a bit minuscule anyhow).

More details in class today!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mrs. Rodriguez says... TOC Day 1

Don't forget that TOC Day 2 is due Friday!

 2nd Period Winners (in order from top to bottom, Brackets 1-4)
Booker T Washington
John Brown
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Phyllis Schlaffly
Upton Sinclair
Thomas Edison
Andrew Carnegie
Ralph Nader
Jane Addams
John Winthrop
Earl Warren
William Randolph Hearst
Lewis and Clark
Henry Kissinger
Henry Clay
Robert E Lee
Margaret Sanger
Eleanor Roosevelt
Daniel Webster
Eli Whitney
Thomas Paine
Alexander Hamilton
Cesar Chavez
Thomas Jefferson
Franklin D Roosevelt
Harry Truman
Ronald Reagan
John F Kennedy
Woodrow Wilson
Teddy Roosevelt
George W Bush

 6th Period Winners (in order from top to bottom, Brackets 1-4)
WEB DuBois
John Brown
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Betty Friedan
Ida Tarbell
Thomas Edison
John Rockefeller
Ralph Nader
Harriet Beecher Stowe
John Winthrop
Earl Warren
Joseph McCarthy
Neil Armstrong
George Marshall
Henry Clay
Robert E Lee
Margaret Sanger
Eleanor Roosevelt
Daniel Webster
Eli Whitney
Thomas Paine
John Marshall
Cesar Chavez
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln
Harry Truman
Ronald Reagan