"You are not prepared...Rocking back and forth singing Hakuna Matata can't save your weak will."
Melodramatic much??
"You have to understand why things happened in that time and how and when and where and who and what. Or you'll die."
"Remember one last thing, Mrs. Rodriguez is still a human being...No matter how much she seems like a totalitarian dictator, she is always willing to help her students succeed because she truly does care."
Gee... thanks? (Actually, I really AM honored that so many of you commented about me as willing to help. I AM. And I am glad that you knew that.)
"Don't let the fast-talking, fairy-like Rodriguez scare you, she will only harm your pride and your GPA, not your body."
"You have enrolled in a one-way ticket to developing congestive heart failure and stomach ulcers. In other words, welcome to hell. If you were patriotic towards America before, start putting up the flag now, because you will leave this class cussing how condensed the history of this country is and wondering why the heck the colonies couldn't have just sucked it up and abandoned all notion of liberty."

"Stop expecting Bs and As and prepare yourself for the bitter, spiky pill of Ds and Cs."
"Prepare for the boiling bubbling resentment that you will feel towards any of your comrades in HUSH who dare utter an expression of frustration or belief that HUSH is hard."
"...But I will say is that you can look forward to free snacking in class. Munch away as you are pelted with the unending New Deal legislation."

Okay... so when I started looking for memes, I found WAY more that made me laugh.
For example:
But hopefully, after the year is over, you feel like this: