Big Questions to Consider:
--Was Andrew Jackson more an autocrat, or a democrat?
--How did ECONOMIC change (like the market revolution, new inventions, or early industrialization) lead to POLITICAL change?
Don't forget, when writing your essays:
2) Follow all facts with analysis
3) To count as analysis, it must link your fact to ALL PARTS OF YOUR ARGUMENT in the thesis.
For Example:
Despite at times exercising autocratic power, Andrew Jackson's presidency represented the peak of the celebration of the "common man" in government as his rhetoric always acknowledged the needs of so-called "average Americans."
Andrew Jackson chose to veto the re-authorization of the Second Bank of the US in 1832. Despite the protests of Henry Clay, who insisted that Jackson was abusing the power of the Presidential veto in overriding Congress for purely political reasons, Jackson proclaimed that his actions were in the best interests of the common man, who would never benefit from the concentrated wealth that the Bank represented. The fact that Jackson won the subsequent election of 1832 by a landslide re-affirms the idea that this was a time when the perceived interests of the average American would defeat even the powers of the nation's financial and political elites.